> Abstracts should address one of the conference themes:
- Microbiome-based biomakers ; microbiome testing and diagnostics
- Microbiome innovation with the One health concept : expanding microbiome application beyond human health
- Microbiome in regulatory assessment and Regulatory development impacting microbiome innovation and research
- Microbiome Innovation: Advances in Clinical Data & Emerging TechnologiesAbstracts can address one of the conference themes of the conference.
> Abstracts are limited to 300 words, excluding title, authors, and affiliations.
> Abstracts should include: Title, Background & Purpose, Methods, Results, Discussion/Conclusion. Do not include references or tables.
> All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific/Organisation Committee as part of the selection process.
> 20 abstracts will be selected for a poster presentation. Among these, 3 to 5 will be chosen for a 10-minute oral presentation during a plenary session. An award will be given to the best abstract.